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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Trump Defends Roy Moore Against Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct With Teen Girls According to Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and many Republicans in office if a Democrat is accused of harassment it is true and they must leave office. However if it is a Republican accused of being a child predator Roy Moore child sex trafficking Ralph Shortey or a pussy grabber Donald Trump the accusers are not to be believed just because the accused are Republicans so basically Trump is saying fuck the accusers, you need to back your party and these Republicans no matter what they allegedly did. Trump we know has no morals. This is not a matter of being a Republican or Democrat there has to be a limit to being loyal to your party. If you turn a blind eye to what these people have done to women and children what does that say about you. Just think how would you feel if it was a woman or child in your life or even you who was abused by one of these men. Where would your loyalty be to your party or your morality

Sunday, November 12, 2017